Help us save Amazonia

"No one makes a bigger error than the one who does nothing because he or she can only do a little."

At Amazon Planet we are more than an Ecolodge to enjoy the jungle. We are committed to protecting our forest, promoting the conservation of biodiversity and developing responsible tourism, contributing to the sustainable development goals in our region and the planet. You become our ally on this work with your stay and you can also do it from home.

Taricaya Ecological Reserve

Taricaya is a 500 ha ecotourism concession and a non-profit civil association dedicated since 2001 to biodiversity conservation and the sustainable management of natural resources in the Amazon of Madre de Dios, Peru. Volunteers from around the world and national interns stay in the reserve and hands-on support the various projects. When you stay with us you contribute to their work and you will learn up close about the projects. Part of our income goes to the Taricaya projects.

Taricaya projects


Every year the biodiversity within the Reserve is studied with various methodologies to learn as much as possible about plants, birds, non flying mammals, bats, reptiles, amphibians, arthropods, and to assess the impact and conservation actions to better preserve it. Taricaya is a CORBIDI recognized bird banding station.

Pilot agroforestry system as an example of sustainable agriculture and reforestation. A mahogany plantation, flowers and tropical fruits have grown to create a productive forest that allows the recovery of the area and the sustainable use of it, as an alternative of land use for local communities. The wood workshop offers a variety of products made by hand by the members of Taricaya.

It is one of the most recognized Wildlife Centers in Peru, officially receiving wild animals since 2008 from the local authority, confiscated from people who took them out of the forest. These animals arrive wounded, sick or malnourished, and traumatized, to a rehabilitation program for them to recover the necessary qualities to return freely to their natural habitat promoting local fauna recovery.

Since 2008, work has been done to rehabilitate this species and to form groups among the individuals housed in the rescue center, into families to release them in an area of reserve and reintroduce this locally extinct species. Currently there is already a group of 14 individuals successfully living in freedom who have reproduced in the wild. This work is possible thanks to the collaborative work with the NGO Kawsay.

In 2006 the Taricaya Turtle Repopulation project began to save this endangered species. Local people extract the eggs for consumption and sale. Every year, the staff and volunteers collect the eggs between July and September to plant them on the artificial beaches in the Reserve until they hatch between October and November and then release the baby turtles to their natural habitat.

Since 2001, Taricaya has been working with the various local communities, including the Juan Pablo Farmers Association and the Native Community of Palma Real, in environmental education and natural resource management programs. The projects also seek to create awareness and educate more people to replicate them with the help of Taricaya or independently.

The Amazonia needs you

Support from home

Taricaya has been working hard for 18 years in favor of biodiversity in Madre de Dios. From home you can also contribute to biodiversity conservation and preserve Amazonia. Put your grain of sand with a donation. We assure you that your contribution goes directly to Taricaya. Discover it yourself.

Donate now
Become a volunteer

Live the full conservation experience with the Taricaya experiential program. Stay at the Taricaya Lodge and Research Center and be part of the daily activities in the various projects next to the scientists and nature experts. Use code: PAX Amazon Planet to get a special discount.

Become a volunteer


Have you ever thought about how many resources you need to live versus how much you use? Our actions as humans have a great impact in nature. And small actions as individuals are enough to generate great changes as a species for the planet. Located in a biodiversity hotspot of the world, we strive to guarantee responsible tourism in nature through its proper use and responsible consumption, and contribute to the sustainable development goals.

Travel with a purpose and during your stay, follow these simple actions with us, to reduce your ecological footprint and ours, and contribute together to regenerate the planet.

Download Green Code 2020.

Discover the Amazon
Save energy

Turn off the light and fan when out. Disconnect unused appliances. No dryer or iron.


Respect Nature. Don't mark the trees. Do not disrupt the wildlife.Wildlife are not pets.


Learn. Care. Love. Connect. Collaborate. Reduce your ecological footprint.

Solid waste

Be a responsible consumer and reduce your waste. Segregate, Reuse, Recycle.

Save water

Close the tab. Take short showers. Request change of sheets and towels. Report leaks.

Join us on the 2030 sustainable development journey

People. Planet. Prosperity. Peace. Partnership

The Amazon is important for all humanity and its preservation is everyone's responsibility to ensure the well-being of our species now and for future generations around the world. Learn more about the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and join the universal call to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity by 2030.

